Monday, June 29, 2009

A weird story...

So last Saturday, I spent the day with my girlfriend and her family, which was a great time. On the way back from my girlfriend’s sister’s house upstate, we stopped back at her parent’s house in Jersey. Just putzing around, Michelle (my gal), myself, and each of her parents are in different rooms. Michelle decides to plink about on her old piano, which she hasn’t played with in a while, and no one in the house plays it at all. So she opens the cover of the piano (the thing that covers the piano keys, I’m talking about), and from the next room I hear something spill out. I come in, and there’s dog food on the floor!

She tells me that it came out of the piano, and I ask her if she’s mistaken, if it was on top, she says no, and there’s only one way to find out. So she opens the cover, and she can’t even open it all the way, because the entire bass side of the piano is crammed full of kibble!

This is bizarre, okay? Words can’t do it justice. It’s surreal, like something out of a Dali painting or something. It’s just two things you wouldn’t expect to see juxtaposed.

So Michelle calls her mother in, because frankly, the first thing we think is that someone did this on purpose. She of course expresses shock. Michelle asks her if they should ask her father, and her mother says that she thinks they have to.

Michelle’s father comes in, and he’s the person who actually figures out what happened, in that a mouse was taking the dog food, and storing it in the piano.

Just an odd story, really, but I think that image of dog food packed in between the black keys of a piano will stay with me long after I forget the particulars of this story.


  1. I keep telling you, man. The narrative structure is breaking down. The Zoo Crew's a'comin'!!!

  2. Hahahahahahaha, I love that you blogged about this.
    MY MOM ON MY CELL NOT 2 DAYS AGO: "Shh! Michelle! Don't go around telling people!" hahaha, love it! Everyone gets mice now and then, and this story is too fantastic not to share.

    Look out though hon, she IS a level 80 paladin from the hourde and she is web savvy now. and you KNOW if she sees this, she can, and will find you.

    Brendan... get him outta there!!!

  3. PS) I've never been MORE relieved to see mouse droppings... as before we found them, I thought one of my parents had gone insane... truly.
