Thursday, July 9, 2009

Learning Spanish...

I've been spending the last week working out like crazy (two times a day, plus taking the stairs eight flights at work), and radically reducing my food intake, both in volume and calories. I've been getting up at twenty after five to work out before getting ready for work, and then going for a run when I've getting home.
This is all stuff that's good for me, of course, and I'm glad I'm doing it, but man, have I been irritable this past week. I'm just getting frustrated and antsy at work every day, which is not something that usually happens. I imagine it'll be like this for another week or two, as my body adjusts to the lack of intake and the surplus of stimulation. Of course, the idea is, while not pushing myself too hard, of course, to maintain intensity of my workouts, otherwise I'm never going to keep losing weight, which is something I really need to do.
I bought a knee brace this week, as I banged my left knee at work a couple of weeks ago, and it's not healed up right away. Of course, this is something you have to get used to, as I'm three weeks away from entering the last year of my twenties. That combined with the daily stress I put on my knees, it's no wonder it taken some time to get better. In the meantime, I run like one leg is now robotic, which is kind of cool in a little kid sort of way.

My friend Dan decided that he wouldn't cut his hair this year, at least until we go to Disney in a month or so. After getting a haircut in late January, I at first inadvertantly, the deliberately, have been following in his footsteps. I never had really long hair, like rocker or hillbilly long, but my hair used to be kind of longish back in high school and early college, and then has been kind of shorter as I've gotten older, and there's been less of it. Maybe this is a last hurrah for this kind of thing, or maybe this is a way to try and get in touch with my past, which is something, for the first time in my life, really, I'm kind of jealous of. I'm not exactly sure, but I'm guessing it's more of the latter.

Well, this is about to get really depressing here on my end, so I'm going to wrap this one up. I've been trying to write more in this blog, just to get in the habit of writing more often. I figured, hey, if I'm trying to eat better, and get in shape, I may as well work on improving other aspects of my life, right? Now I just have to move on learning Spanish.

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