Thursday, July 23, 2009

You know what really grinds my gears?

Ah Family Guy...I used to watch you.

Anyways, something about this thing that you're reading now bothers me, and here's what it is. Web logs, or blogs as they're known nowadays, are basically online journals for you to write in so everyone can see how clever you are, what you think about everyday issues, or what a miserable person you happen to be. You know what I'm saying here.
They're basically public journals, and that's the part that gets me. Because it's public, you can't really write what you may want to, on the chance that someone who might read it might get offended.
I mentioned this to my friend Brendan the other day, and he said, "Well, that's what you have a private journal for." And he's right of course, from a certain point of view, but there are thoughts that I have, that I'd like to share and get other people's opinions on in the way that this blog allows me to, but I can't. So, like I said, annoying.

Really, what's annoying about that is my dissatisfaction with myself. I argue with myself about things like this a lot, on whether I care too much about what other people think, or whether that's how you're supposed to be, and I spent a lot of my life being a egocentric prick. Most of the time, I think it's a little of both.

So I end up holding my tongue here, not because I don't want to hurt people's feelings, not even because I don't want to deal with crap, but mostly because I'm afraid of negative consequences. Is speaking my mind worth getting people I care about upset? I don't know, but I'm afraid it might be. And that's never a good thing to base a decision on.

Oh, and to be the opposite of clear, here, there's no specific issue I'm talking about here. There's been plenty of specific issues, but not one thing. I've been censoring myself since I started the darn thing.


In other news, White Sox pitcher Mark Buehrle threw a perfect game today, which is exceedingly rare, and amazingly difficult to do. For those who don't know, a perfect game is something only a pitcher can do, where they face 27 batters over nine innings, and record 27 outs. There can be no hits, no walks, no errors by the fielders behind him. It's an amazing feat, and even more amazing in today's day and age of baseball, where relievers and pitch counts, and innings counts all come into play. It also appeared to be the kind of perfect game I really like to see, where there was plenty of good defense backing up the pitcher, making it a total team effort.
Before Mr. Buehrle's effort today, only 17 men had thrown perfect games in major league history. That's ridiculous. So congrats to him.


  1. I think when you want opinions like that, you go to your friends, and talk to them about it, like honestly talk, not Twitter or IM. Something about posting it up on the WWW just leaves a bad taste in my (and likely most other people's) mouth. You don't want Jane-Shmo's opinion ,who stumbled upon your blog, do you? DO YOU! (I'll kick her ass!) You censor yourself on here like we all censor ourselves on here, and in life, because that's what our little Jimminey Crickets tell us to do. That doesn't make you abnormal by any means, it makes you human.

  2. WWWW = World Wide Wild Web?

    Interesting that you said "JanShmo" instead of "Joe Shmo"...very interesting.

  3. correction "Jane Shmo"

  4. Joe, I don't mind if you give YOUR opinion! =)
